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Immunisation update training for General Practice Nurses and other registered healthcare practitioners who administer/advise about immunisations within the Thames Valley. A free online Immunisation update training for General Practice Nurses and other registered healthcare practitioners who administer/advise about immunisations in the Thames Valley.

Educational Programme

  • Overview of the COVID-19 vaccination programme – signposting to resources for training and support
  • Stages of clinical trials and ongoing safety surveillance
  • COVID-19 vaccination scenarios and FAQs
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease in the Thames Valley
  • Update on adult and paediatric vaccine programmes
  • Responding to incomplete immunisation schedules

Event Information

Booking Information

To book your place, please email stating your job title and practice name and town / city and you will be sent the link to register.


The training is free of charge to delegates. The funding is from Health Education England.