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Research funding support

Please see the section on Funding in the Medical Science Division's Researchers' Toolkit for the latest and most up to date information on funding and grants:

Researchers' Toolkit

Please see the Funding and Contracts section of the University of Oxford's Research Staff pages:

University of Oxford's Research Staff pages

Expense claims

Guidance to find all the information to claim your expenses quickly and effectively can be found here.

Key policies

Financial Regulations and supporting financial processes: established to ensure the proper use of University financial resources as well as fulfilling legal obligations and enabling the University to demonstrate to government bodies, funders and donors that it has good control arrangements in place. All staff are responsible for complying with these regulations and the financial processes, even if their role is not primarily financial. For example, they cover purchase of goods/services, expense claims, and managing research funding. The Financial Regulations also set out how key authorities are delegated, for example for committing the University in contracts or committing expenditure.

Statement of policy and procedure on conflict of interest: conflicts of interest are bound to arise from time to time, and the policy establishes processes to facilitate activity taking place, while ensuring that any conflicts of interest are appropriately managed. All members of the University are responsible for recognising situations in which they have, or could be seen to have, a conflict of interest, to declare that conflict, and to take appropriate, agreed actions to manage that conflict. Please see the leaflet for information. Please note that although the department has recently carried out its annual conflicts of interest declaration exercise, it is your duty to recognise and declare conflict of interest as soon as it arises.

Anti-Bribery Policy: bribery is the offering, promising, giving, requesting, or accepting of a financial or other advantage with the intention to induce or reward improper performance. The University has zero tolerance for bribery and staff are expected to act at all times in a manner that is fair, impartial, and without favouritism or bias. No member of the University should seek or accept a financial or other advantage for themselves or the University. Any suspicion of bribery should be reported to the Director of Finance, the Registrar or to All staff are encouraged to review Bribery: essential reading.

Anti-Fraud Policy: fraud is a dishonest act or omission that is made with the intent of making a gain or causing a loss (or the risk of a loss). Staff are expected to act at all times in a manner that is fair, honest and open, and follow the Information Security Policy and other relevant guidance to reduce the risk of fraud from unauthorised access to systems and data. Any suspicion of fraud should be reported.

Gifts and hospitality policy: gifts and hospitality are the provision or receipt of property, consumables, services, entertainment or money for which no reasonable fee is paid in return by the recipient. Staff should give careful consideration to the provision or receipt of gifts and hospitality in line with the policy, and should be aware of the thresholds for reporting via the departmental Gifts and Hospitality Register and for prior authorisation (noting there is a lower limit for public officials).

Criminal Finances Act: tax evasion, and (since 2017) the deliberate and dishonest facilitation of the commission of tax evasion by another person in the UK or overseas, are criminal offences. Risks arise from a number of activities and in all cases the appropriate procedures should be followed. For example, tax evasion could occur through classifying someone as self-employed rather than as an employee (employment taxes), by misclassifying research collaboration (VAT) or through not paying local taxes in overseas countries.

Public interest disclosure (whistle-blowing) code of practice: The University places the greatest importance on the integrity of its operations, and has in place a number of policies and procedures to address problems that may arise for its employees and students, including those relating to grievance, harassment, discipline and individual allegations of fraud. Where there are genuine concerns about possible malpractices or improprieties that are not adequately covered by other University policies or procedures, staff are encouraged to make a public interest disclosure.


Other important policies