Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test: Proxy for Verbal IQ in Genetic Studies of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Krasileva KE., Sanders SJ., Bal VH.
This study assessed the utility of a brief assessment (the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—4th Edition; PPVT4) as a proxy for verbal IQ (VIQ) in large-scale studies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In a sample of 2,420 proband with ASD, PPVT4:IQ correlations were strong. PPVT4 scores were, on average, 5.46 points higher than VIQ; 79% of children had PPVT4 scores within one standard deviation (+/−15) of their VIQ and 90% were similarly classified as having abilities above or below 70 on both measures. Distributions of PPVT4 and VIQ by de novo mutation status were highly similar. These results strongly support the utility of PPVT4 as a proxy for VIQ in large-scale ASD studies, particularly for genetic investigations.