Handy to know
Some bits of information that might come in handy during your first weeks and months
The Newsletter
This monthly newsletter is sent to the whole Department and contains updates on Departmental news and events and celebrates staff successes and achievements. There is also a weekly update on information from around the university, these are your 'go-to' source for Departmental updates.
Oxford Talks
Oxford Talks is the University-wide database of seminars, events and talks. Browse the catalogue and choose from the huge number of speakers Oxford attracts.
Postdoctoral Society
Run by and for postdocs, the society aims to promote interactions between postdocs to create a friendly network of skills and expertise and to welcome new postdocs to the Department. All postdocs will be added automatically to a mailing list when they start to be kept up to date with events etc.
How to book catering
Most sites use Carpenter's Catering for catering requirements, please complete the request form on the website with a minimum of 48 hours' notice and you will be provided with a quote. Once you have a quote please raise a purchase order for the amount, and then send the purchase order to Carpenters for invoicing.
Please note that to raise purchase orders you will need R12 training, please complete the New User Form to request R12 access and send the completed form to the finance team for setting up.