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Joe Cross


Postdoctoral Research Associate

Academic and clinical training

MBiochem (Hons) - University of Oxford, 2008

PhD Molecular Embryology - University of London (Institute of Cancer Research), 2012

BM BCh - University of Oxford, 2016

Academic Foundation Programme - Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2016-2018

Core Medical Training - Thames Valley and Buckinghamshire Deaneries, 2018-2020

Clinical Fellow in Leukaemia - Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, 2020-2022

Research Interests

I am a postdoctoral research associate in the Roy group investigating the genetic requirements for survival and proliferation of leukaemic blasts in MLL rearranged infant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (MLLr-iALL).  My research interests lie in the molecular biological mechanisms which drive aberrant gene expression patterns in acute leukaemias and the clinical implications of this abnormal gene expression.

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