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James Charlesworth


Clinical Research Fellow

I am a paediatric registrar within the Thames Valley deanery with a background in immunology research. I completed my masters in Immunology in 2010 and PhD in 2015, focusing on regulatory B cells in allergy and allergen immunotherapy. I subsequently studied graduate entry medicine and postgraduate training in paediatrics. I have maintained an interest in immunoregulation and treatments to target specific immune dysregulation.

I am currently undertaking a clinical fellowship with Professor Uhlig exploring gastrointestinal outcomes for patients with specific immune defects given molecularly targeted treatments, based on their diagnosis. These patients predominantly have inborn errors of immunity (IEI, previously 'primary immunodeficiency disorders' - PID) and often don't respond to classical treatments for IBD. Alongside this, we are working with the paediatric immunology department (Dr Smita Patel and Prof. Dominic Kelly) to explore approaches to advance early diagnostics in IEI.